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Debt Consolidation Near Me: Freshstartnow National Debt Relief Program Can Help You Achieve Financial Freedom

At Freshstartnow, we understand how debt can negatively impact individuals and families, which is why we offer national debt relief services through our offices located throughout the country. Regardless of your location, our debt relief services, including debt consolidation, debt settlement, and personal loans, are accessible to help you regain control of your finances and achieve financial freedom.


Who is Freshstartnow? Freshstartnow is a leading provider of next-generation finance technology (FinTech) that works with clients to restructure their payments on unsecured debt, pay only a portion of what they owe, and eliminate debt more quickly than they ever imagined was possible.

What debt relief services does Freshstartnow offer? For people who are drowning in unsecured debt including credit card debt, personal loans, and medical costs, Freshstartnow offers debt relief.

Through our partner Credit9, we provide debt consolidation loans to people who qualify. If you don’t qualify for a consolidation loan, we also provide debt resolution services through our Freshstartnow Advantage debt resolution program. These services can cut your monthly debt payments, lower the total amount of debt you owe, and minimize long-term interest charges that could otherwise cost you thousands of dollars.

Additionally, after completing the Freshstartnow Advantage debt relief program for six months, you may be eligible for an Freshstartnow Advantage consolidation loan through Credit9 to pay off your debts and raise your credit score.

How long does it take to benefit from the national debt relief program? Calling and speaking with an Freshstartnow certified debt professional only takes a few seconds, and they may provide you a free debt review and discuss your debt relief alternatives with you. You might become debt-free in between 20 to 48 months after choosing the option that best suits your circumstances.

Is the national debt relief program something I have to qualify for? No. You are eligible for our federal debt relief program if you have unsecured debt, such as credit card, personal, or medical debts.

Which is the best debt relief solution for me? When it comes to debt relief, you have several options available to you.

Each debt relief option has advantages and disadvantages as well as short- and long-term effects that vary depending on the person or family seeking debt relief.

Your queries about which debt relief option will best suit your needs and your budget can be addressed by Freshstartnow trained debt specialists, who can also provide you a free debt assessment.

How much will I save with Freshstartnow Debt Relief program? When you work with Freshstartnow to settle your credit card and other unsecured debts, there are three ways you can save thousands of dollars (or more):

#1) LOWER Monthly Payments
#2) REDUCTION Of Your Total Debt Owed
#3) ELIMINATION Of Long-Term Interest Fees

The debt relief program from Freshstartnow not only enables you to make one, modest monthly payment right now while saving you thousands of dollars in interest and principal, but also stops you from carrying around high interest debt for years—or even decades!

What does Freshstartnow Debt Relief program cost me? Before you ratify the settlement agreement and your debts are settled, Freshstartnow DOES NOT impose any fees. You are under absolutely NO obligation to finish the debt settlement program offered by Freshstartnow if you so choose, and there are no enrollment or cancellation costs.

Clients pay a portion (which varies by state) of the total debt enrolled as part of their monthly deposit once debts have been cleared. You don’t pay us if we can’t clear your accounts, too. It’s that easy!

Is Freshstartnow a credible company? The American Fair Credit Council (AFCC), of which Freshstartnow is an accredited member, claims that Americans are in a financial crisis, with a $1 trillion-plus national credit card debt. And it’s only getting worse, as you’re well aware.

Here’s what the AFCC has to say about debt settlement:

For Americans who are drowning in unsecured debt, debt settlement is the most user-friendly debt relief alternative, providing struggling consumers with a proven route to better financial health.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) carefully regulates the debt settlement sector to help safeguard customers, and Freshstartnow complies with all applicable laws. Furthermore, debt settlement saves Americans $1.5 billion yearly and $2.64 for every $1 in fees paid by clients!

Over 200,000 people and families have benefited from Freshstartnow debt relief services, which cost a lot less than they originally owed.

We at Freshstartnow, with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB), are delighted to share that we have eliminated over $2 billion in debt, and we’re eager for the chance to assist you in your quest for debt freedom.

Visit our case studies, which feature actual settlement letters we have negotiated for our clients, our internet reviews, and our many client testimonials.

How does the Freshstartnow Debt Relief program work? Freshstartnow debt relief program was created to resolve your debt for a fraction of what you owe, as quickly as possible.

First, one of our trained debt specialists will give you a free debt consultation to go through your debt-relief choices, which may include bankruptcy, debt settlement, and debt consolidation.  Then, we assist you in determining if our program in particular or another debt relief option is best for you.

If you determine it is, we work with you to create a specialized debt relief plan that complements your objectives and regular spending plan. This is frequently less than their current minimum payments, according to several Freshstartnow clients!

Once you enroll, Freshstartnow skilled debt negotiators start working for you to fast eliminate your debt by speaking with your creditors on your behalf.

Is debt relief better than making minimum payments? For many people, it certainly can be!

If you’re having trouble making the minimal payments on your credit cards while living paycheck to paycheck… Consequently, you’re probably also going through unnecessary stress that could have an impact on both you and people close to you.

You will be relieved of the tension, anxiety, and worry that come with having too much debt when you participate in Freshstartnow debt resolution program. We will also help you get rid of your debt and take back control of your money. As a result, you’ll have more time to concentrate on the things that really matter: your family, your job, your hobbies and pastimes, and living each day to the fullest.

Does Freshstartnow offer Debt Consolidation loans? We offer debt consolidation loans to qualified individuals/couples for up to $45,000 through our partner, Credit9.

How do I qualify for your debt relief program? If you reside in one of the states we serve and are struggling to pay off more than $7,500 in unsecured debt, including credit card debt, personal loans, medical expenses, department store debt, and other debts… Afterward, you are eligible for Freshstartnow debt relief plan.

How long will it take me to be debt free? It depends on a variety of factors including how much debt you have, what your income is, and who your creditors are.

However, on average, it typically takes between 20-48 months to become debt-free with our debt resolution program.

Therefore, if you merely make the minimum payments on your credit cards, you risk staying in debt for the ensuing 10–20 years or longer and having to pay back 2–5 times what you borrowed initially. making the debt settlement program from Freshstartnow a wise decision!

What is the difference between Debt Relief and Debt Consolidation? Debt consolidation is the process of combining several debts (such as credit card debt, personal loans, and medical bills) into one loan with a set monthly payment and frequently a lower, fixed interest rate. For approval, you usually need a higher credit score.

On the other hand, debt relief lowers your overall loan balance. Your debts are reduced, enabling you to pay less than you are required to. In what are referred to as settlement transactions, the creditors waive the outstanding balances.

What is the difference between Debt Relief and Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy is typically regarded as a last choice in terms of finances when dealing with enormous debt and can have long-term negative effects. Your credit score could suffer for up to ten years as a result. Additionally, you can be refused access to insurance, some state licenses, employment, and even the right to rent a space for your home or company. Additionally, you incur the possibility of having significant personal assets (such a home, car, and some other investments) taken and forfeited in order to pay the bankruptcy judgment.

Debt relief, on the other hand, refers to the process of resolving your outstanding obligations utilizing a mix of debt forgiveness and a fair payment plan to assist you become debt-free. The goal of Freshstartnow debt relief program is to eliminate all of your enrolled debt in as short as 20 to 48 months.

Will the debt relief program impact my credit score? It’s perfectly normal to see a decline in your credit score during the first stage of the debt resolution process.

By the time they enrolled, many of our clients were struggling and had credit score decreases as a result of their debt-to-income ratio and credit utilization. Just keep in mind that you are going through a difficult time and that a short drop in your credit score is a necessary part of moving past this stage of life and getting out of debt.

Even though it could seem worrying, it’s actually a good thing to notice a decline. It demonstrates your progress in reaching creditor settlements.

Just be aware that as you complete the debt relief program and pay off your debt, your credit score will likely increase, possibly to a level higher than it was before to your enrollment. This time frame is dependent on a number of variables, including the quantity of debt and the amount of savings.

According to the American Fair Credit Council, 85% of debt settlement clients claim that their credit score is the same as or higher than it was when they enrolled in the program.

Additionally, bear in mind that your credit score is normally only required if you want to make a significant purchase, like a home or automobile. A brief decline in your credit score is nothing to worry about if you’re not planning any large purchases. The ultimate objective is to progress and pay off debt!

At the end of the day, the most important thing is how you feel about getting out of debt. We can help you get out of debt faster, for less than what you owe.

Does Freshstartnow offer a Satisfaction Guarantee? Yes. Either we get results, or you don’t pay!

We never finalize a settlement in accordance with Federal law requirements until you give your approval. Additionally, we don’t be paid until after you’ve approved the settlement and made at least one payment.

Finally, you may cancel at any time, for any reason, with no penalties or fees other than those related to already resolved debts, if we are unable to settle your debt or if you are dissatisfied with our performance up until the moment when we settle your obligations.

What kinds of debt can Freshstartnow help with? We have worked with thousands of different creditors to help our customers get rid of their debts, and we are able to help with debt relief for the majority of unsecured debt (any debt that isn’t attached to an asset like a property or car).

Credit cards, personal loans, lines of credit, medical bills, company obligations, and some school loan debts are just a few of the debts we can assist you with paying off.

When should I consider debt relief as a financial option? If you are having trouble making your minimum monthly debt payments due to a financial hardship (such as a divorce, unemployment, loss of income, accident, or long-term sickness), you may want to think about debt relief. perhaps you can pay the minimum amount due, but even that won’t even scratch the surface of what you owe.

In many cases, debt settlement is a better and faster form of debt relief than bankruptcy or trying to qualify for a consolidation loan.